Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church - Hot Springs Village, AR
Program Director Buddy Dixon and POA CEO Leslie Nalley
Program Director Buddy Dixon and POA CEO Leslie Nalley
The Sacred Heart Men's Club met on on September 12, 2017 for the first meeting of the 2017-2018 year.  New president Oliver Field presided over a meeting of 154 members and wives/dates/guests.

1st VP Rick Martinek and Sergeant at Arms Phil Salcido signed up members as they entered the hall to work at the annual fund raiser Chicken Bake to be held on Friday, September 29.

Johnna's at the Desoto Club employees prepared and served a very nice dinner before a presentation by the speaker for the evening, Leslie Nalley, POA CEO.  Leslie made a Power Point presentation on the POA Board's vision for the future of the Village.  She then took questions from the attendees.

The meeting finished up with the 50/50 drawing and a closing prayer by Fr. Bill Elser.

Eating dinner at the ballpark
Eating dinner at the ballpark
On Wednesday, June 7, some 56 members, wives, and friends, boarded a bus, leaving at 4:30 PM, that would take them to Dickey-Stephens Baseball Park in North Little Rock to watch the Arkansas Travelers play the visiting Tulsa Drillers baseball team.  The outing was facilitated by the Sacred Heart Men's Club, led by Program Director Buddy Dixon with much help from his wife, Martha.  The trip over included singing "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" followed by distribution of a box of Cracker Jacks for each person on board.  There were 4 prizes to be awarded to the persons that could best answer the questions about baseball posed by Buddy.  How many baseballs, on average, are used during the 162 regular season games played by the 30 teams in the major leagues?  Also what is the cost of those baseballs?   The answer was 157,950 balls, (closest without going over was Lynne Border and 2nd place was Steve Fetcko) and the cost was $947,700 (closest without going over was Martha Dixon and second place was the Bowmans).  The two winners and runner ups were given either a gift certificate donated by Last Chance Lakeside Cafe or a bottle of wine, donated by Cork & Bottle Liquor.

After the bus ride to Dickey-Stephens Park, the group enjoyed a dinner of hot dogs and hamburgers.  At 7:10 PM the game started and unfortunately the Travelers got beaten by a score of 7 to 4.  The group boarded the bus heading back to the Village at 10:00 PM arriving at just past 11:00 PM.

A great outing.  Much thanks to the Dixons for organizing the trip.


b_720_189_16777215_01_images_2017_Photos_2017-05-09_Meeting.jpgThe final meeting of the 2016-2017 Men's Club Year, attended by approximately 180 members, wives/dates, and guests, was held on Tuesday, May 9 in the Lower Hall of the Church.  Wally Gieringer and Mike Kerwin led a prayer service in the Upper Hall of the Church from 5:00 to 5:15 PM that, according to Wally, was well attended.  President Don Glinka opened the meeting at 5:45 PM and Fr. Bill Elser led the attendees in grace, the Pledge of Allegiance, and followed by the singing of God Bless America.  Johnna's Desoto Club personnel served a delicious meal of ribeye steak, baked potato, salad, and ice cream and cookies for dessert.

President Don Glinka introduced Program Director Buddy Dixon who then introduced the speaker for the evening, POA Board Chairman, John Weidert.  John gave the POA Board's views of the future developments in the Village with a Power Point presentation, and answered questions from the attendees afterwards.

President Don Glinka presented the new slate of officers for the 2017-2018 year:
President - Oliver Field
!st VP - Rick Martinek
2nd VP - Steve Schramer
Treasurer - Bob Bowman
Secretary - Bill Patterson
Sergeant At Arms - Phil Salcido
Program Director - Buddy Dixon

The officers were elected by acclimation.  Don Glinka thanked the retiring officers for their service and the program directors for their continuing service.  After the 50/50 drawing by Bill Hartnett, Fr. Bill Elser lead lead the closing prayer.

Click here for more meeting photos.

Dinner attendees at the Men's Club Fish Bake
Dinner attendees at the Men's Club Fish Bake
On Friday, March 3rd, 2017, the Men's Club held their annual Fish Bake in the Lower Hall of the Church, one of two major fund raisers (the other being the Chicken Bake, held in the Fall of each year) for the charities sponsored by the Men's Club.  Over 360 tickets were sold for this event and almost $3000 profit for their charities was realized.  Thanks to all the volunteers and a special thanks to Rick Hiemenz and his kitchen crew for preparing a great meal.  Also, St. Judes Guild of the LOSH served Fr. Bill's ice cream with the proceeds going to the Religious Education for the Youth of the Parish.
b_300_169_16777215_01_images_2017_Photos_2017_Valentines_Party.jpgOn Valentine's Day, members,spouses, dates, and friends met for a dinner prepared and served by the staff of Johnna's at the Desoto Club.  After dinner, Program Director Buddy Dixon led a program celebrating Valentine Day.  All couples entered their number of years of marriage on slips of paper, which were then tabulated, and guesses were made by attendees as to the total number of years of marriage for the group.  Two winners recieved bottles of wine donated by Cork & Bottle liquor store.  The total number of years was over 1900 years for the 46 couples attending.  Buddy then called on four differant members to sing a love song each to their spouse.  A good time was had by all.
Police Chief Ricky Middleton and Program Director Buddy Dixon
Police Chief Ricky Middleton and Program Director Buddy Dixon

The Sacred Heart Men's Club meeting on January 10, 2017 was attended by almost 80 members and guests.  A barbeque dinner was served by Chef Johnna's.  After dinner, Program Director Buddy Dixon introduced HSV Chief of Police Ricky Middleton who discussed safety in the Village.  He pointed out that HSV was safer than any of the similar sized cities in the area.  He also commented on the differance in policing in HSV, in that many of the calls they get for help (can't open doors, barking dogs, etc.) don't get answered in bigger cities but they are here.  He took several questions about gun carry laws and gate security.  See the meeting minutes posted on the website for more details on the meeting.
Buddy Dixon introducing POA CEO Leslie Nalley
Buddy Dixon introducing POA CEO Leslie Nalley
On Wednesday evening, December 14th, the Sacred Heart Men's Club hosted over 140 members and wives to a wonderful dinner prepared and served by Johnna's Restaurant in the Lower Hall of the Church.

The speaker for the evening was Leslie Nalley, CEO of the Hot Springs Village Property Owners Association.  Leslie gave a very informative talk about the past and current demographics in the Village and the reasons behind trying to diversify the venues available.  She then took questions from the audience.

After her talk Buddy Dixon, Program Director, led the 12 elves (including Fr. Bill) in the singing of The Twelve Days of Christmas. See photos in the photo gallery.

To view the annual singing of the 12 Days of Christmas, click the video:
Men's Club Member Joe Lemmler presents $1000 check to Janie Smith of Jackson House
Men's Club Member Joe Lemmler presents $1000 check to Janie Smith of Jackson House
The Men's Club made $9500.00 in donations to the following charities:

$1500.00 Sacred Heart Church Basket Program
$1000.00 Jackson House in Hot Springs
$1500.00 Samaritan Ministries in Hot Springs
$1000.00 McAuley Center in Hot Springs Village
$1000.00 Cedar Mountain Boys & Girls Club in Hot Springs Village
$1000.00 St. John's School in Hot Springs
$1500.00 Our Lady of Fatima School in Benton
$1000.00 Catholic Schools Scholarship Fund in Little Rock

Be proud to be a member.

President Don Glinka