The Twelve Days Of Christmas Choir led by Buddy Dixon |
After dinner the guests were treated to a concert by "The Victorian Carolers". This is a group from Jessieville High School led by Lydia deSambourd, the music director at the High School. They did an excellent job of singing numerous well known Christmas Carols. Buddy Dixon explained that they do not charge to do their caroling but ask for donations whenever they perform to help fund their activities at school. Lydia was somewhat overwhelmed when approximately $700 was collected.
President Bob Heisler then held a short business meeting and outlined the Boards recommendation for distribution of donations for this year. They are, $1200 to the Christmas Basket Fund, $1000 each to The Paul Bewey Boys & Girls Club, Meals On Wheels, Samaritan Ministries, Jackson House, St. John's School in Hot Springs, and Our Lady Of Fatima School in Benton, a total of $7200.
After the business meeting, Buddy Dixon, the Club's Program Director called twelves members to the front and led them as they sang "The Twelve Days Of Christmas". These singers are not to be confused with the wonderful voices in the previous concert. However they were hilarious, which is what Buddy was hoping.
The 50-50 drawing ended the evening with the three winners donating their winnings, $115, to the Victorian Carolers.