Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church - Hot Springs Village, AR
Clean Up Crew: Klaus Pamlick, Bill Patterson, Wilhelm Brahm, Dave Witchger, Don Glinka, Fred Rohrer, Walter Free, Bob Bowman, Oliver Field (took picture)
Clean Up Crew: Klaus Pamlick, Bill Patterson, Wilhelm Brahm, Dave Witchger, Don Glinka, Fred Rohrer, Walter Free, Bob Bowman, Oliver Field (took picture)

On Saturday, June 23, 2018, 9 members of the Sacred Heart Men's Club, led by President Oliver Field, participated in the Keep The Village Beautiful Campaign.  They met at Coronado Center at 7:30 AM for coffee & donuts and then proceeded to their assigned street for the pickup of any trash.  Their assigned street is Balearic Road from Sacred Heart Church down to Desoto Road, of approximately 1 1/2 miles.  The roadway was relatively clean so only a few bags of trash were collected.

Thanks to those that participated in this event.

2018-2019 Mens Club Officers
2018-2019 Mens Club Officers
The new officers of the Sacred Heart Men's Club for the 2018-2019 fiscal year were elected at the year end meeting on May 8, 2018.

The new officers are:
President - Oliver Field
1st VP - Rick Martinek
2nd VP - Phil Salcido
Treasurer - Bob Bowman
Secretary - Bill Patterson
Sergeant At Arms - Mike Webster
Program Director - Don Glinka

Mike Webster is a new member of the Board. Phil Salcido moves from Sergeant At Arms to 2nd VP. The other officers are carryovers from the 2017-2018 year. Thanks to those that are serving for the coming year.

Buddy Dixon and Steve Schramer retired from the Board and thanks go to them for a job well done.

Mens Club Trash Pickup - Mike Kerwin, Reb Henry, Mark Leslie, Oliver Field, Ray Hurley, Steve Schramer, Fred Rohrer, Ted Otero, John Froning
Mens Club Trash Pickup - Mike Kerwin, Reb Henry, Mark Leslie, Oliver Field, Ray Hurley, Steve Schramer, Fred Rohrer, Ted Otero, John Froning
On Saturday, March 17,  the Sacred Heart Men's Club had10 volunteers, Mike Kerwin, Reb Henry, Mark Leslie, Oliver Field, Ray Hurley, Steve Schramer, Fred Rohrer, Ted Otero, & John Froning participating in the HSV Clean The Streets Day.  Including the time to enjoy the donuts and gather, we had 15 person hours.  Our collections included 9 trash bags, and 1 cardboard box.  Thanks to Bob and Ann Bowman for coordinating the group.  See the attached for a picture of those that helped out.
b_300_225_16777215_01_images_2017_Photos_2017_Manger_Scene.JPGThe Manger Scene at Sacred Heart Church was installed by members of the Men's Club during December again this year. This has been done each year by the Club for at least 20 years, if not more.

The men doing the work this year were:
John DeJanovich
Danny Elser - Not a member but a big help
Marvin Young
Dick Hill
Don Ritter
Russ Harrison

Thanks to these men for their service.
Ugly Sweater Contest winner Ken Vincent
Ugly Sweater Contest winner Ken Vincent
The Men's Club annual Holiday Party with wives / dates, and widows of deceased members, was held on Tuesday, December 12 in the Lower Hall of the Church.

At 5:00 PM Deacon Wally Gieringer led an optional prayer service in the Upper Hall, praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet for family, Church, our Nation, world peace, and personal intentions. 
Fr. Bill Elser led the 115 attendees with an opening prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, and singing of God Bless America.

Dinner was served.  After dinner President Oliver Field thanked those that helped set up the hall, Johnnas at Desoto Club employees who prepared and served the meal, and the Refreshment Center workers.

Program Director Buddy Dixon then took over the entertainment for the evening.  First was the Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest, which was easily won by Ken Vincent (see picture).  After that, Buddy selected his victims to sing the annual 12 Days of Christmas song. Breaking with tradition, he selected female victims, except Bill Patterson (5 Golden Rings) to perform the song.  The performance was outstanding and enjoyed by all.  Click here for more photos of this event.

After the 50/50 drawing, Fr. Bill Elser closed the meeting with a prayer
The Men's Club Officers, in their meeting on November 13, voted to distribute funds to the following charities:

Sacred Heart Thanksgiving / Christmas Basket Program       $2000.00
Jackson House $1500.00
Samaritan Ministries $1500.00
McCauley Center $1000.00
Cedar Mountain Boys & Girls Club $1000.00
St. John's Catholic School $1000.00
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School $1500.00
Total $9500.00

President Oliver Field presented the checks to these organizations in November.  Pictures of Oliver and the recipients are shown in the photo album.

A donation to the Catholic Schools Scholarship Fund will be determined later.

Matt Lewarn (POA), Buddy Dixon, Tom Heffer(POA)
Matt Lewarn (POA), Buddy Dixon, Tom Heffer(POA)
Some 85 members and guests met on October 10 in the Lower Hall of the Church to enjoy a meal of meat loaf supplied by Johnna at Desoto Club employees.  After dinner Tom Heffer, Director of Golf for Hot Springs Village, updated the group on activities relating to golf in the Village.  Matt Lewarn, in charge of tournaments for the POA was also present to help answer questions.  Kathy Silk, Dick Hill, Russ Harrison, and Rick Martinek gave report on the activities of their respective areas of interest. 


Chicken Bake Attendees
Chicken Bake Attendees
The Sacred Heart Men's Club hosted it's annual Chicken Bake on Friday, September 29th in the Lower Hall of the Church.  Rick Martinek, 1st Vice President, was in charge of organizing the Chicken Bake and did an excellent job of getting all the people together to put on a great dinner prepared by Chef Rick Hiemenz and his kitchen crew for the over 300 attendees to the dinner. 

Over 50 volunteers from the Men's Club participated in setting up the hall, serving the dinners, manning the Refreshment Center, cooking the dinner, and the other duties required to put on this dinner.  It was another successful event to fund the Men's Club charities.