Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church - Hot Springs Village, AR
Mens Club Meeting 2 11 2020 Program Director Oliver Field HSV Lakes Manager Brad Meredith
Mens Club Meeting 2 11 2020 Program Director Oliver Field HSV Lakes Manager Brad Meredith
The featured speaker at the Men's Club meeting on February 11, 2020 was Brad Merideth, Lakes Ecology and Fisheries Manager for Hot Springs Village. Brad reviewed the lake maintenance (dredging and weed control) and fisheries programs currently being carried on by his group as well as future planned work to keep the Village Lakes an amenity to be proud of by all visitors and owners.
Jan Cash and the School Children Our Lady of Fatima School
Jan Cash and the School Children Our Lady of Fatima School
The Men's Club made donations to the following Charitable Organizations in December, 2019:
Cedar Mountain Boys & Girls Club - HSV - $1000
Samaritan Ministries -  Hot Springs - $1200
St. John's Catholic School - Hot Springs - $1250
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School - Benton - $1250
McAuley Senior Center - HSV - $1000
Jackson House - Hot Springs - $1200

President Rick Martinek personally presented checks to these organiztions and pictures of the presentations are in shown here and in the Photos Section of this website
Line dancing at the Men's Club December meeting.
Line dancing at the Men's Club December meeting.
The Men's Club December meeting with wives/dates was held on December 10 in the Lower Hall of the Church.  Some 90 members and wives/dates enjoyed a meal prepatred and served by Johnnas's Catering personnel.  After dinner Buddy Dixon introduced Rick Hiemenz and Bruce Rhodea who instucted those present on Line Dancing.  They then asked those who wanted to dance to come to the dance flow and dance to the song "Elvira".

After the dancing ended, Buddy called on 6 couples to come forward and sing the traditional "12 Days of Christmas" and Bruce Rhodea and Bob Bowman were awarded prizes for their performance during the song.

Linda Mayhood and Buddy Dixon
Linda Mayhood and Buddy Dixon
At the November 12, 2019 meeting of the Men's Club, Buddy Dixon, HSV POA Board member, and a member of the Men's Club, introduced the speaker for the evening, Linda Mayhood. Linda. who is the Chairperson for the 50th Year Anniversary Celebration Committee for Hot Springs Village, talked about the plans being made by the Committee for the upcoming year.  Linda is well prepared for this job, being a 40 year employee of the HSV POA, before retiring this year as COO, and having experienced much of the history of the Village. Linda review varios plans for the celebration, including the April 20, 2020 Community wide cellebration of the actual date the Village was opened by Cooper Communities on April 20, 1970. 

Oliver Field and Mike Socha
Oliver Field and Mike Socha
On October 8, 2019, 71 members attended the regular monthly meeting and enjoyed a meal prepared by Johnna and her staff. Oliver Field, Program Director, introduced Mike Socha, Assistent Director of Golf, who talked about golf in the Village and answered questions from the attendees.

Tournament 1st Place Winners - Butch & Debra Grigone, Anne & Mike Webster
Tournament 1st Place Winners - Butch & Debra Grigone, Anne & Mike Webster
On Sunday, August 11, 2019 the Men's Club sponsored it's 1st Annual Nine & Dine golf and dinner outing at Ponce de Leon Golf Course.  Mike Webster, 1st Vice President, conceived and directed the event.  56 golfers participated and 12 additional spouses and friends joined the golfers for dinner at Mulligan's Restuarant.

The format for the golf was a four person scramble, and players were Men's Club members, their spouses and guests.  The 1st place winners were Butch & Debra Grigone, Mike & Anne Webster.  Second place winners were Don & Ginette Levac, Dan & Joan Murphy.  Prizes for Mens and Womens long drive were taken by George Byrnes and Dottie Kessen.  The closest to the hole competition was won by Jerry Young and Vickie Henry.  Pictures of the winners are in the Photos section.

Mulligan's Restuarant served a variety of pizzas, salads, & chicken strips.

Thanks to Mike Webster and his helpers for organizing the event and to Mulligans for a very nice dinner.

Mens Club Officers 2019 2020 1
Mens Club Officers 2019 2020 1
The last meeting of the Men's Club 2018-2019 year was held on May 14, 2019 in the Lower Hall of Sacred Heart Church. As is our custum, the last meeting of the year included the wives or dates, and widows of past members, Approximately 117 attended. Optional prayer service at 5:00 PM in the Upper Hall, lead by Deacon Wall Gieringer, was followed by a social gathering in the Lower Hall until 6:00 PM. Dinner,served by emplyees of Johnna's Catering, was followed by a Trivia Night contest conducted by Program Director Don Glinka. Officers for last this year were thanked by President Oliver Field,. They were President - Oliver Field, 1st VP- Rick Martinek, 2nd VP- Mike Webster, Treasurer - Bob Bowman, Secretary - Bill Patterson, Sergeant at Arms - Phil Salcido, Program Director and Past President - Don Glinka.
Those elected at the meeting for the 2019-2020 year are, President - Rick Martinek, 1st VP - Mike Webster, 2nd VP - Phil Salcido, Treasurer - Bob Bowman, Secretary - Bill Patterson, Sergeant at Arms - John Guida, Program Director and Past President - Oliver Field.
Keep HSV Beautiful Crew, April 6, 2019 - Fred Roher, Dave Witchger, Bill Patterson, Bob Bowman , Oliver Field, Klaus Pawlik, Wilhelm Brahm
Keep HSV Beautiful Crew, April 6, 2019 - Fred Roher, Dave Witchger, Bill Patterson, Bob Bowman , Oliver Field, Klaus Pawlik, Wilhelm Brahm
The Sacred Heart Catholic Church Men’s Club participated in the Keep Hot Springs Village Beautiful Pickup Campaign on Saturday, April 6.  Seven members, pictured in the attached photo, met at the Coronado Center at 7:30 AM for coffee and donuts supplied by the Village Program organizers along with other organizations participating in the event.  The Men’s Club covered approximately 1 ½ miles of Balearic Road.  This is one of several events that the Men’s Club supports in the Village.