Eating dinner at the ballpark |
On Wednesday, June 7, some 56 members, wives, and friends, boarded a bus, leaving at 4:30 PM, that would take them to Dickey-Stephens Baseball Park in North Little Rock to watch the Arkansas Travelers play the visiting Tulsa Drillers baseball team. The outing was facilitated by the Sacred Heart Men's Club, led by Program Director Buddy Dixon with much help from his wife, Martha. The trip over included singing "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" followed by distribution of a box of Cracker Jacks for each person on board. There were 4 prizes to be awarded to the persons that could best answer the questions about baseball posed by Buddy. How many baseballs, on average, are used during the 162 regular season games played by the 30 teams in the major leagues? Also what is the cost of those baseballs? The answer was 157,950 balls, (closest without going over was Lynne Border and 2nd place was Steve Fetcko) and the cost was $947,700 (closest without going over was Martha Dixon and second place was the Bowmans). The two winners and runner ups were given either a gift certificate donated by Last Chance Lakeside Cafe or a bottle of wine, donated by Cork & Bottle Liquor.
After the bus ride to Dickey-Stephens Park, the group enjoyed a dinner of hot dogs and hamburgers. At 7:10 PM the game started and unfortunately the Travelers got beaten by a score of 7 to 4. The group boarded the bus heading back to the Village at 10:00 PM arriving at just past 11:00 PM.
A great outing. Much thanks to the Dixons for organizing the trip.