The Twelve Days Of Christmas Choir led by Buddy Dixon |
After dinner the guests were treated to a concert by "The Victorian Carolers". This is a group from Jessieville High School led by Lydia deSambourd, the music director at the High School. They did an excellent job of singing numerous well known Christmas Carols. Buddy Dixon explained that they do not charge to do their caroling but ask for donations whenever they perform to help fund their activities at school. Lydia was somewhat overwhelmed when approximately $700 was collected.
President Bob Heisler then held a short business meeting and outlined the Boards recommendation for distribution of donations for this year. They are, $1200 to the Christmas Basket Fund, $1000 each to The Paul Bewey Boys & Girls Club, Meals On Wheels, Samaritan Ministries, Jackson House, St. John's School in Hot Springs, and Our Lady Of Fatima School in Benton, a total of $7200.
After the business meeting, Buddy Dixon, the Club's Program Director called twelves members to the front and led them as they sang "The Twelve Days Of Christmas". These singers are not to be confused with the wonderful voices in the previous concert. However they were hilarious, which is what Buddy was hoping.
The 50-50 drawing ended the evening with the three winners donating their winnings, $115, to the Victorian Carolers.
Hwy 7 Crew - Wayne Kapple, Joe Lemmler, Wilhelm Brahm (Chairman), Oliver Field, Jim Timmerman, Bob Hill, Mike Kerwin & Bill Patterson (not pictured) |
Eight members of the Men's Club met in the El Acapulco Restaurant parking lot at 8:00 AM on Saturday, November 16, 2013 and cleaned up approximately one mile of Highway 7 South of Hot Springs Village. The Club performs this work twice a year, usually in April and October. The Men's Club has been handling this clean up for over 15 years and has been led during the last few years by Ray Ambrozich. Ray asked to be replaced this year and Wilhelm Brahm stepped forward to lead the group. Be sure and sign up next April when we perform our next clean up.
Buddy Dixon & HSV Police Chief Gary Adams at 11-12-2013 Mens Club Meeting |
After Gary's talk Bob Heisler conducted a short meeting. Ed Keearns reminded members about the Thanksgiving Food Basket deliveries and Bob Heisler announced that Highway 7 Cleanup would be this Saturday at 8:00 AM, meeting at the El Acapulco parking lot. The meeting was adjourned before 8:00 PM.
Buddy Dixon introduces speaker Jason Temple |
Jason is the recently hired Public Works Director for the HSVPOA. Public Works includes Lake Management, Street Maintenance, Recycling, Water/Wastewater, Sanitation, Building/Vehicle Maintenance, and Construction. Jason gave an overview of the opportunities, problems, and solutions in these areas under his supervision. These areas are highly visible to the public and Jason answered numerous questions raised by the members attending. After Jason's presentation a short business meeting was held.
The Men's Club hosted approximately 400 guests in two seating at it's annual Chicken Bake Dinner on Friday, September 27, 2013. Approximately 60 members of the Club participated as set up crew, cooks, waiters, tickets takers, Refreshment Center attendees, and other jobs to make this years event a success. Approximately $2500 was raised by this event, the proceeds of which go to fund the various Men's Club charities.
In addition the St. Jude's Guild sponsored the sale of Fr. Bill's ice cream during the dinner to support the Sacred Heart CCD program.
Thanks to all that participated in this years event.
The Men's Club kickoff dinner for the year was held on Tuesday, September 10, 2013. This is our annual pot-luck dinner with wives and the widows of past members invited. Approximately 140 attended and were treated to a presentation by the new General Manager of the POA, David Twiggs.
David talked about the need to attract new people to the Village by offering new amenities in the Village that we don't currently have, such as a community center, with shops and condos and apartments located nearby.
After his speech Bob Heisler, President of the Men's Club, introduced new members and widows of past members and after a very short business meeting. Deacon John Froning closed the meeting with a prayer.
Buddy Dixon & The Travelers Mascot |
108 Sacred Heart Mens Club members, wives and friends participated in the second annual Take Me Out To The Ballgame trip. The attendees gathered at the Sacred Heart Church parking lot on Monday, June 17, 2013 and boarded two buses from the Quachita Bus Line Co., leaving at 4:30 PM headed for North Little Rock. Along the way the attendees received a package of "in the shell" roasted peanuts that go along with the song "Take Me Out To The Ballgame, Buy Me Some Peanuts, etc., etc. Upon arriving at Dickey-Stevens Ballpark, home of the Arkansas Travelers baseball team, a dinner consisting of hamburgers and hot dogs and all the fixings was waiting for them. After a prayer , led by Fr. Bill, the attendees ate their fill and were ready for the ballgame which started at 7:10 PM. The Travelers were playing their arch rivals, the Naturals from Northwest Arkansas, and unfortunately were beaten by a score of 5 to 2. After the game the attendees again boarded the buses for the trip home, arriving at 11:30 PM. A good time was had by all and the Mens Club thanks Buddy Dixon, and his wife Martha, for all the hard work they put in to plan and execute a great outing.
After dinner the 2012-2013 officers were honored and given Mens Club baseball caps as an acknowledgement of their work during this past year. The officers for the coming year, headed by President Bob Heisler (pictured above), were acknowledged as well as the Committee chairmen for the past year. The pictures of the new officers and the committee chairs are included under the pictures tab.
Buddy Dixon called on four members to come forward to help him advertise the upcoming baseball trip on June 17. They sang "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" and Buddy then discussed the particulars of the trip. The cost is $33.00 per person and includes bus tickets, dinner at Dickey-Stephens ballpark, and tickets to the game. There is room for 110 people to attend and reservations are on a first come, first served basis. Checks should be sent to Buddy Dixon at 5 Sur De Curso Lane and made payable to the Mens Club.
Buddy and Martha Dixon were then honored for their work on the highly successful Crystal Bridges Trip in April. Buddy was given a box of Goo Goo candy bars which he had enjoyed in his youth in Tennessee and Buddy & Martha were presented with a Norman Rockwell print entitled "Going and Coming" . See pictures under pictures tab.
The evening was closed with those attending forming a circle around the Hall and singing "Let There Be Peace On Earth". A great close to a very successful Mens Club year.