There was a very large group for the picture of those married 50 years or more that were attending the Sacred Heart Men’s Club Valentine’s Party. |
On Valentine’s Day the Sacred Heart Men’s Club held their monthly meeting as a special Valentine’s salute to sweethearts. Approximately 120 members and their wives or girl friends along with widows of club members attended.
Bernie and Marilyn Bauer were recognized for the longest marriage at the party, 65 years! |
The ladies were presented with a decorated red rose. Following dinner the program for the evening was “Men’s Club Men Got Talent”. Buddy Dixon served as M.C. as four men from each of three tables selected at random came forward to sing a short oldie but goodies tune. Those attending were asked to vote by their applause for the quartet that had the most talent. Voted the most talented was the group that included Bernie Bauer, Ed Keearns, Bill Nosek and Milt Spaniel. Following the program all those couples married 50 years or more were asked to come forward to be recognized and a group picture was taken. The couple married the longest was Bernie and Marilyn Bauer, celebrating 65 years of marriage and also both were celebrating their birthdays in February.
The Sacred Heart Men’s Club meets monthly at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church. Membership in the club is open to all men that are members of Sacred Heart or whose spouse is a member. Information about the club is available at their website, hsvmensclub.com.