Emily Stubblefield solar eclipse |
The Sacred Heart of Jesus Men's Club May meeting hosted our guest speaker Emily Stubblefield, Quachita Park Ranger, who gave a very interesting and educational presentation on a major solar event which will occur in our area next spring. HSV will be in the total blackout path of a solar eclipse lasting over 4 minutes in the early afternoon of Monday April 8, 2024. This is a once-in-a-lifetime event for soutwest & central Arkansas. A solar eclipse is when the path of the moon is directly between you and the sun at the proper distance to totally block the sun's light therefore creating night in the middle of the day. If you have a open 360 degree view from the middle of a lake or mountain top and the weather is clear you will experience a 360 degree sunset and sunrise. How cool is that! It is expected that the Hot Springs area will exeprience an influx of tourism from people chasing the eclipse's path through the state of Arkansas.