Men’s Club representatives Bill Patterson and Danny Murphy played Santa Claus this week delivering $6200 in donations to 6 different charities from its fund raising activities this past year.
A donation of $1000 was presented by Danny Murphy to Amanda Maness, Site Director at McCauley Center in Hot Springs Village, designated for their Meals On Wheels Program.
A donation of $1000 was presented by Danny Murphy to Amanda Maness, Site Director at McCauley Center in Hot Springs Village, designated for their Meals On Wheels Program.
Another $1000 was delivered by Bill Patterson to Jane Mitchell, representative of the Paul Bewie Boys and Girls Club for their general fund.
Another $1000 was delivered by Bill Patterson to Jane Mitchell, representative of the Paul Bewie Boys and Girls Club for their general fund.
Elizabeth Shackelford, Principal of St. Johns School in Hot Springs received $1000 from Bill Patterson and Danny Murphy on behalf of the Men’s Club.
Elizabeth Shackelford, Principal of St. Johns School in Hot Springs received $1000 from Bill Patterson and Danny Murphy on behalf of the Men’s Club.
Janie Smith, Executive Director of Jackson House in Hot Springs accepted $1000 from Bill & Danny, $150 of these funds will be used for the Sunday Love Lunch Mission which is handled out of Jackson House and the rest is for Jackson House expenditures.
Janie Smith, Executive Director of Jackson House in Hot Springs accepted $1000 from Bill & Danny, $150 of these funds will be used for the Sunday Love Lunch Mission which is handled out of Jackson House and the rest is for Jackson House expenditures.
Jan Loggan, Executive Director of Samaritan Ministries in Hot Springs accepted $1000 from Men’s Club representatives Danny Murphy, Bill Patterson, and Dick Hill.
Jan Loggan, Executive Director of Samaritan Ministries in Hot Springs accepted $1000 from Men’s Club representatives Danny Murphy, Bill Patterson, and Dick Hill.
Ed Keearns, Director of the Sacred Heart Church Christmas Basket program accepts a check from Bill Patterson, President of the Men’s Club, for $1200 for this program to provide Christmas gifts and food to needy area families during the week leading up to Christmas.
Ed Keearns, Director of the Sacred Heart Church Christmas Basket program accepts a check from Bill Patterson, President of the Men’s Club, for $1200 for this program to provide Christmas gifts and food to needy area families during the week leading up to Christmas.